Cornerstone on the Go
Cornerstone on the Go
Midweek Podcast: Job, Faith, and Suffering
A commonly asked question is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Though Jesus Himself (Luke 18:19) and Scripture (Romans 3:10-12) remind us that no one but God is truly good, from a human point of view, we can rightly judge that some people are closer to representing God's goodness with their lives than others. It bothers us when we see those whose lives reflect God's goodness to those around them suffer. This question is not a new one that people ask or struggle with; after all, the oldest book in our Bible, as far as when written (not in content), is concerned with this same upsetting question. This week we discover three things that we learn from Job and his suffering that will help us remain faithful and hopeful during times of suffering.